
  • Updated

All analyses happen in your workspace, which is your place to store, build, and analyze your dataset. For projects with multiple researchers, workspaces serve as your collaboration space for team science.

Each workspace has three main tabs: Data, Analysis, and About.

  • Under the Data tab, you can use the Cohort Builder to select participants based on specific criteria and use the Dataset Builder to select values of interest (concepts) that you are interested in researching in your cohort.
  • Under the Analysis tab, you can perform queries and analyses using integrated cloud-based analysis tools, including Jupyter Notebook, RStudio, and SAS Studio with programming languages R, Python, and SAS.
  • Under the About tab, you can view your workspace description, which provides an overview of your research purpose, scientific approach, anticipated findings, and more.

Next articles

Cohort Builder and Dataset Builder

Explore point-and-click tools available in the workspace for selecting cohorts and building datasets

Analysis and Workflow Tools

Read an overview of the tools available for analyzing data in the All of Us Researcher Workbench

Featured Workspaces

Learn from tutorial workspaces, demonstration projects, phenotype library, and community workspaces

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