This guide is part of a collection of educational tools and resources available to All of Us Research Program members.
This guide provides documents helpful for hosting All of Us Researcher Workbench workshops, including pre-workshop instructions, frequently asked questions, and information about data types.
Thank you for your interest in the All of Us Research Program, one of the largest genomic databases of its kind! See available data.
Download workshop instructions (required registration) or workshop instructions (highly recommended registration) as PDFs.
Workshop requirements
The workshop you've registered for has a hands-on component where attendees will use our secure cloud computing platform, the Researcher Workbench, which requires further registration beyond registering.
Before the workshop
To benefit the most from this workshop, please take the following actions several days before the workshop:
Required/Highly Recommended: Free registration for our Controlled Tier
Optional: Structure of the All of Us dataset
Frequently asked questions
Who can register for the platform?
Researchers from institutions with a Data Use and Registration Agreement (DURA) in place with All of Us may register for the Researcher Workbench. Check your institution’s DURA status.
Is the platform free?
Yes, platform registration is free. You receive $300 in initial computing credit for use of Google’s computing environment. Read about getting started with initial credits.
How long does it take to register?
If a DURA is already in place for your institution, registration is typically completed in 1-2 hours after the identity verification process.
Besides $300 in computing credit, what else is available to me upon registration?
All registered researchers have access to continued research support including weekly, virtual office hours, analytic tools, and support materials even after this workshop.
Can I join this workshop if I do not register for this platform?
Yes, you will be able to watch our demonstrations and participate in the question and answer session.
Reference guides and resources
Intro to Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data
The Intro to Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data reference guide helps researchers understand the EHR data within the All of Us dataset and its organization in the All of Us Researcher Workbench.
Intro to Survey Data
The Intro to Survey Data reference guide helps researchers understand the survey data within the All of Us dataset and its organization in the All of Us Researcher Workbench.
Guide to the Data & Research Center Researcher Resources
The Guide to the Data & Research Center (DRC) Researcher Resources toolkit includes an overview of the DRC's support resources for the researcher community.
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