Event Calendar

  • Updated

We host several live, virtual events for researchers using the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Events support researchers with different technical and support needs, ranging from introductory to advanced. View our catalog of events for researchers to read detailed descriptions for each type of event.

You can add individual events or the full event calendar to your Google Calendar, iCal, or Outlook calendar.

To add individual events to your calendar

  1. Click the event you want to add to your calendar.

  2. Follow directions for registering for the event based on the event description listed.

To add all events to your calendar

For Google Calendar users,

  1. Click our Google Calendar for Google link
  2. Click "Add."

    Google will automatically add the events to your Google calendar and subscribe you to our event calendar so any changes we make will appear on your calendar as well. For information about unsubscribing from our calendar, read about unsubscribing from a Google calendar.

For iCal or Outlook users,

  1. Click our Google Calendar for iCal link.
  2. Download the .ics (iCal format) file.
    Note: Downloading should automatically start after clicking the link in step 1.
  3. Follow directions for importing the calendar into iCal or Outlook.

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