Catalog of Events for Researchers

  • Updated

We host several live, virtual events for researchers using the All of Us Researcher Workbench. Events support researchers with different technical and support needs, ranging from introductory to advanced. View our event calendar for the most up to date event offerings.

Tuesday Drop-In Office Hours (Q&A sessions)

Tuesday Drop-In Office Hours are hosted by our Help Desk team and provide an opportunity for registered Researcher Workbench users to ask their questions in real time by our Research Support and Data Science teams.

Questions can be simple or complex, and our team tries to answer questions on a first come, first serve basis. We recommend you have relevant workspaces and notebooks running before joining the meeting.

Tuesday Drop-In Office Hours are not recorded to protect researcher and participant privacy. As Drop-In Office Hours is meant for registered researchers, meeting links are not publicly available. Once you've completed the necessary training and signed the Data User Code of Conduct, you will receive emails from our team weekly for upcoming events with registration links.

For registered usersEvery Tuesday1:00-2:00 p.m. CT

New User Orientation

New User Orientation is hosted by our Help Desk team and provides a walkthrough of the All of Us Research Program and an overview of using the Researcher Workbench, including how to build cohorts, select data, and use analysis tools. During New User Orientation, we highlight additional educational and training resources for new researchers to explore individually at their own pace.

Register for an upcoming New User Orientation or check out our YouTube channel for a recording of a past New User Orientation.

For new usersFirst Friday of the month1:00-2:00 p.m. CT

Friday Office Hours

Friday Office Hours are hosted by our Research Support team and vary from topic to topic. All topics are related to the All of Us Research Program, dataset, or the Researcher Workbench. Past Friday Office Hours have included topics related to funding opportunities, using survey data, wrangling data, releases for new and updated data, etc. All Friday Office Hours are recorded for researchers to revisit presentations at a later date or to watch at their own pace.

Register for an upcoming Friday Office Hours or check out our YouTube channel for a recording of a past Friday Office Hours.

For any researcherEvery other Friday1:00-2:00 p.m. CT

Friday Morning Coffee

Friday Morning Coffee is hosted by Interdisciplinary Guided Network for Investigation, Translation, and Equity (IGNITE) and provides guidance for getting started in the Researcher Workbench. Session topics include basics about the data available, how to use Researcher Workbench tools, and how to collaborate on projects with additional sessions dedicated to Q&A.

Register for an upcoming Friday Morning Coffee 

For registered researchersEvery three weeks on Friday9:00-10:30 a.m. CT

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