Survey Design
The Lifestyle survey is meant to capture information about a participant's tobacco, alcohol, and recreational drug use. The survey includes a total of 31 items (7 main items and 24 related follow-ups) items from the Tobacco Use Supplement to the Current Population Survey (TUS-CPS), the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), and the NM ASSIST (NIDA-Modified Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test) among others.
Scoring Considerations for the Lifestyle Survey
The Lifestyle is a composite of items sourced from various instruments and so can not be scored as a whole. The survey, however, does include a complete set of items from the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Concise (AUDIT-C) instrument that can be scored according to that instrument’s scoring instructions. For more information, please see this external AUDIT-C resource as well as the How to Work with All of Us Survey Data featured workspace notebook on scoring examples.
Sample Eligibility
The survey is considered a “baseline” program activity and is available to all All of Us participants following completion of the Basics survey. For more information about survey samples and releases, please see Introduction to All of Us Survey Collection and Data Transformation Methods.
Data Model & Privacy Protection Considerations
All survey codebook variables (e.g., source codes) are deposited into the OMOP Common Data Model’s observation table and stored as concepts in an AoU specific “PPI” vocabulary. This vocabulary is both browsable and downloadable via Athena, the online OMOP repository - for a listing of concepts specific to the Lifestyle survey, please see this Athena entry.
Select items from the Lifestyle survey have been suppressed within the Registered and Controlled Tiers. Please see below for these specifics, which are also captured in the All of Us survey codebook and How All of Us Protects Participant Privacy.
Registered and Controlled Tier Privacy Considerations for the Lifestyle Survey
Data Element |
Registered Tier |
Controlled Tier |
Concept IDs 1585647 |
Suppress |
Suppress |
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