CDR Release Notes: March 14, 2022 - Controlled Tier Data Release

  • Updated

The All of Us Research program released its new Controlled Tier on March 14, 2022 which allows registered researchers to access and explore the initial set of genomic data which includes Whole Genome Sequence (WGS) data from more than 98,500 participants and array data from over 165,000. The Controlled Tier features survey data from over 329,000 participants, and researchers now have access to previously generalized or suppressed demographic data on populations underrepresented in biomedical research (UBR), including more detailed race/ethnicity data, gender identity, sexual orientation, and geolocation data. 

For more detailed information regarding the CDR changes, please see the full release notes document.  For more information on how to obtain access to the Controlled Tier, see this article.

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