How do I access the Controlled Tier dataset?

  • Updated

To access data in the Controlled Tier dataset of the Researcher Workbench, someone in your institution’s contracting office must have completed the Controlled Tier Data Use and Registration Agreement (DURA) documentation. You can check to see if your institution has Controlled Tier access by visiting the Institutional Agreements page on the All of Us Research Hub.

You will know if your institution has not completed the additional Controlled Tier documentation if only Register_Tier_Icon.png, short for Registered Tier, is listed next to your institution’s name. If you are interested in accessing the Controlled Tier and currently only have Registered Tier access through your institution, you can initiate the access process by completing a request form here and notating your interest in accessing the Controlled Tier. 

You will know when your institution has completed the additional Controlled Tier documentation if Controlled_Tier_Icon.png, short for Controlled Tier, is also listed next to your institution’s name. When access is approved by the institution and program, you will need to make sure to complete the additional ethical training required in your Researcher Workbench account to access the Controlled Tier.  If the researcher’s institution requires pre-approval before attempting the registration, additional requirements may apply prior to obtaining access to the Controlled Tier.  A pop up will indicate if your institution requests additional steps to complete.

If an Individual_Icon.png, short for individual, appears next to the name of an institution, researchers are granted access individually. Researchers who are at these institutions will need to initiate the access process for Controlled Tier by completing a request form here and notating their individual interest in the Controlled Tier.  

If you have additional questions about the stage of your institution’s access, please reach out to the contact listed next to your institution. If further assistance is needed, please contact the Research Support team at


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