Development Release Notes (Jan-Feb 2021)

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All Of Us - January & February Development Release Notes

Highlights from workbench releases occurring during January and February 2021



  1. Concept Set Selector - selections will now persist in cart an error occurs during the save process or if the user refreshes the page.
  2. Cohort builder and Concept Set Selector - when searching in hierarchy view, page automatically scrolls to highlighted item in tree.
  3. Physical Measurements domain concepts now available for use in the creation of concept sets.

Bug Fixes

  1. When editing a concept set: 
    1. Results now appearing when searching for new survey concepts.
    2. Finish button now disabled when no changes have been made to concept set.
  2. When building/editing cohorts:
    1. Previously selected/saved concepts now indicate having been selected when viewing search results.
    2. Concepts added to the cart, but not yet saved, will now persist in the event of an error.
  3. Shopping cart slide out in cohort builder now closes appropriately after selecting items from surveys.
  4. “Criteria Added” now appearing above shopping cart icon when adding demographics criteria in cohort builder.
  5. Errors when saving a dataset no longer results in an unclosable modal.  Now, users can close the dataset save/export modal when there is a failure.
  6. Corrected an issue that occurred when creating a notebook from a saved dataset inside a workspace via the snowman menu ( snowman.jpg ) that resulted in the notebook using the wrong export format.

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