Development Release Notes (10/15/20)

  • Updated

*These items released during the time period from 8/4/2020 to 10/15/2020

Features Included in Recent Release

1. Cohort Review - Include “sex at birth” data as column


2. New workbench snippets: Users will have the ability to take and save snapshots of their notebook

3. Cohort Builder - UI updated:  Search page is now flattened and concepts are added via a “shopping cart” slide out where users can view selections and add modifiers.



4. Cohort Builder - users can now filter participants based on “Current Age”, “Age at Consent”, and “Age at CDR date”


5. Cohort Builder - Users will now be able to filter participants based on “deceased” status

6. Cohort Builder - Graphs/Visualizations have been updated to utilize more colors to enhance readability



Bug Fixes in New Release

1. Disabled "edit" on the workspace card menu for writers

For users with "writer" permissions, the "edit" function was not available within the menu in the workspace itself but was only on the dashboard listing of all accessible workspaces.

2. In the “create workspace” dialog, disabled multiple clicks of “Confirm” button

Multiple clicks of the confirm button was causing multiple workspaces to be created

3. Cohort Builder - Blood pressure and BMI now displayed with correct units when selected as cohort criteria

Blood pressure and BMI were showing "undefined" for units

4. Cohort Builder - fixed bug that occurs when trying to edit an existing age search item

loading spinner would appear but then page goes blank/unresponsive

5. Cohort Builder - In cohort review, fixed bug where incorrect Gender/Race/Ethnicity filters appear in participant list table

6. Concept Set Search - updated the search description to inform users that certain characters will cause their search to fail

Some characters were causing search to fail and users did not know why

7. Notebooks - Corrected issue where selecting “Export to Notebook” from a snowman caused the modal to remain in a loading state and notebook creation would fail


Program Admin

User admin page - Workbench admins can now change user contact email addresses from user admin page

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