When and how should I reset the server?

  • Updated

If your notebook server has become unresponsive, you may need to reset it. There are several reasons your server may be unresponsive: for example, if you have used up all of your disk or if you’ve launched long-running processes that consume all of your server’s CPU or RAM. You may also want to reset the server if you need to restore your notebook server to its original state: for example, if after an upgrade to a package, you’ve started getting errors. When you reset your notebook server, you will lose any unsaved changes to your notebooks and any other files you’ve saved to your local disk, and your cluster will be offline for 5-10 minutes.

How to reset your server

On the right side of your workspace, there will be a sidebar with different icons that, when clicked, will provide you with a “Menu,” “Help Tips,” a link out to the “Data Dictionary,” and an option to “Compute Configuration.” Click the bottom icon “Compute Configuration.”






To reset the server, click “Delete Environment.”






Once you’ve reset the server (i.e., deleted the environment), you can either create a new cloud analysis environment by clicking the “Create” button within the “Compute Configuration” section or reopen your notebooks and check to see if the problem is fixed.


If your notebook is still unresponsive after resetting the server, submit a ticket to the help desk.


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