Can participants have more than one Physical Measurement (PM)?

  • Updated

A participant can have more than one Physical Measurement (PM) records for a few reasons:

  • The measurement was recorded more than once during a single visit or on multiple visits
    • Some repeated measurements (such as heart rate, blood pressure, waist and hip circumference are measured multiple times during a visit but each measurement recording has its own concept_id)
  • The form itself was corrected
  • The form was filled in twice in Health Pro (the application used to capture these measurements internally) instead of “amended” (which is the current process).

*Note: Height and Weight data have been cleaned to reduce the likelihood of seeing data entry errors - you can find a list of cleaning applied to these data in the data dictionary.

See our Featured Workspace “How to Work with All of Us Physical Measurements Data” for more information on how to extra PM data, understand what PM data are, and how to tell if PM data are derived from Participant Provided Information (PPI) or Electronic Health Records (EHR)

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