Researchers are required to notify the program of any publication or presentation using All of Us Research Program data at least 2 weeks before the date of publication or conference presentation. A convenient checklist about the reporting process can be found here.
You can do so via the "Contact Us" feature under the hamburger menu () in the upper left hand corner of the Researcher Workbench homepage. You can also notify us directly through this link.
The information you provide will be used by the All of Us Research Program for notification and communications planning purposes, without requirement for program review or approval. This information or any manuscript you submit will not be shared or disseminated outside the program until after it is published. You should submit an electronic version of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript to PubMed Central immediately upon acceptance for publication. To see detailed instructions on how to submit a manuscript without an embargo period, please visit the NIHMS Tutorials page, and click on Deposit Files, which contains an in-depth presentation with full screenshots of the process.
Researcher Workbench users must also remember to honor the contribution of those who take part in All of Us to the Research Project’s work. This includes all oral and written presentations, disclosures, and publications resulting from any analyses of the data (click here to see an example of an acknowledgment statement).
Please review our All of Us Research Program Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy, All of Us Research Program Publication and Presentation Policy and Data User Code of Conduct for further information.
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