We ask that all Researcher Workbench users honor the contribution of those who take part in All of Us to the Research Project’s work. This includes in all oral and written presentations, disclosures, and publications resulting from any analyses of the data. The following are examples of acknowledgement and data availability statements.
Example Acknowledgement Statement
“We gratefully acknowledge All of Us participants for their contributions, without whom this research would not have been possible. We also thank the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program for making available the participant data [and/or samples and/or cohort] examined in this study.”
Example Data Availability/ Data Access Statement:
“This study used data from the All of Us Research Program’s [Registered/Controlled] Tier Dataset [version number], available to authorized users on the Researcher Workbench.”
Please review our All of Us Research Program Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy and All of Us Research Program Publication and Presentation Policy for further information.
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