The following release notes cover the most recent changes over the last two months. If you have any questions, email the All of Us Researcher Workbench support team at
All of Us Researcher Workbench features and updates
- MySQL v8 upgrade - the Cohort Builder and Dataset Builder sql indexes have been updated to use MySQL8.0.
- Zone selection for Jupyter environments - you can now select the cloud environment zone for standard Jupyter environments. A zone is a deployment area for Google Cloud resources within a region. If you experience an error such as “zone_resource_pool_exhausted” you can switch zones to circumvent this issue.
Bug fixes
- Support widget - the support widget would not properly close after launch in the Researcher Workbench. This bug has been resolved.
- Persistent Disk UI issue - If a Jupyter persistent disk (PD) existed from a previous standard environment (VM), but you transitioned over to a Dataproc cluster, you would be prompted to delete the PD, or experienced an environment failure when creating a new standard VM. This has been resolved.
- Featured Workspace page access - users with Registered Tier only access were unable to load the Featured Workspace page inside the Researcher Workbench. This bug has been resolved.
- GPUs - there was a bug with using GPUs in a standard Jupyter environment (VM) after the environment was paused. This has been resolved.
Support resources
- New to the All of Us genomic dataset? See Getting Started with Genomic Analyses on the Researcher Workbench for recommendations and tips before starting your analysis.
- New Office Hours informational sessions are available in the “Videos” section to include, Shared Workspace Storage for RStudio and SAS Studio, allofus: an R package resource highlight, All by All Browser Preview.
- We have updated a few of our Featured Workspaces:
- Check out the Community Workspace PGRN 2024 Scientific Meeting All of Us Genomics workshop; notebooks, Appendix_4_Hail_plotting_standard_vm.ipynb, and Appendix_5_Hail_GWAS_standard_vm.ipynb provide some additional insight into using using Hail/Bokeh to plot data.
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