How to install Miniconda - Anaconda in the Researcher Workbench

  • Updated

In the Researcher Workbench, you can install Miniconda via the terminal. Miniconda is a minimal installer for the Anaconda distribution, which is widely used for managing packages and environments in Python and R programming. Miniconda serves as an excellent choice for users who prefer a more streamlined and customizable approach to package and environment management in their workflows. Using Miniconda, you can easily install, update, and remove packages using the command-line interface. 

How to install Miniconda in the Researcher Workbench (in the terminal)

# Create the directory ~/miniconda3 if it does not already exist
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3

# Download the latest Miniconda3 installer for Linux x86_64 architecture
# and save it as ~/miniconda3/
wget -O ~/miniconda3/

# Run the Miniconda3 installer script in batch mode (-b), update the installation (-u),
# and specify the installation path as ~/miniconda3 (-p ~/miniconda3)
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3

# Remove the Miniconda3 installer script after the installation is complete
rm ~/miniconda3/

# initialization:
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash

# use immediately in the current shell session
source ~/.bashrc

# check conda environments
conda info --env
# Locate the path to the conda executable
which conda

How to install Anaconda in the Researcher Workbench (in the terminal)

# check here,, for the latest version
# download
mkdir -p ~/anaconda3
wget -O ~/anaconda3/
# install
bash ~/anaconda3/ -b -u -p ~/anaconda3
rm ~/anaconda3/
# initiate
~/anaconda3/bin/conda init bash
source ~/.bashrc

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