Curated Data Repository (CDR) version 8 Release Notes

  • Updated

The All of Us Research Program released the Curated Data Repository (CDR) version 8 for Controlled Tier and Registered Tier data.

The CDRv8 for both tiers (Controlled Tier C2024Q3R4 and Registered Tier R2024Q3R3) includes participant data with a cutoff date of October 1, 2023.

Overview of Registered Tier updates

  • Survey data from more than 633,000 participants.
  • Physical measurement data from more than 509,000 participants, including data self-reported by participants remotely.
  • Electronic health record data from more than 393,596 participants.
  • Fitbit data from more than 59,000 participants, including data from the Wearables Enhancing All of Us Research (WEAR) Study.
  • Self-reported disability data from participants who completed the Life Functioning survey as a supplement to The Basics survey for participants who enrolled in the program before October 2019.
  • New self-reported categories to more closely reflect the language in The Basics survey provided to participants at time of enrollment.

Overview of Controlled Tier updates

  • Array data from more than 447,000 participants.
  • Short-read whole genome sequences from more than 414,000 participants.
  • Long-read whole genome sequences from more than 2,700 participants.
  • Data from participants who self-identify as American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN).

For detailed information regarding the CDR updates, read the full CDRv8 release notes (Registered Tier and Controlled Tier).

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