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All of Us Data and Statistics Dissemination Policy
All of Us Publication and Presentation Policy
I have submitted the mandatory All of Us Publication and Presentation Reporting Form at least two weeks before the publication or presentation date.
I have included a statement that acknowledges the program and its participants, such as: “We gratefully acknowledge All of Us participants for their contributions, without whom this research would not have been possible. We also thank the National Institutes of Health’s All of Us Research Program for making available the participant data [and/or samples and/or cohort] examined in this study.”
I have included a data availability or data access statement that cites the Researcher Workbench, the All of Us dataset version used, such as: “This study used data from the All of Us Research Program’s [Registered/Controlled] Tier Dataset [version number], available to authorized users on the Researcher Workbench.”
For peer-reviewed manuscripts only: I have submitted an electronic version of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript to PubMed Central immediately after acceptance for publication and confirmed that the manuscript will be made publicly available after publication without an embargo period.
All of Us Policy on Stigmatizing Research
I have taken adequate steps to ensure that this study will not be stigmatizing to any individuals, groups, or communities, in accordance with the All of Us Policy on Stigmatizing Research.
All of Us Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research
I have performed this study in a manner that aligns with the ethical principles set forth in the All of Us Policy on the Ethical Conduct of Research.
I understand that failure to comply with these policies may result in termination of my All of Us Research Program account and/or other sanctions, as outlined in the Data User Code of Conduct.
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