We have a few updates to share from the past two months. Please see the list below for information about these updates:
Researcher Workbench Features:
New Features in the Cohort Builder: We have added a couple of new features to the Cohort Builder.
- “Has EHR Data”: Within the Cohort Builder a search option was added which allows you to create a cohort of anyone that has EHR data. Now you can use this feature to exclusively select participants with EHR data rather than all participants. This feature is located in search in the add criteria dropdown menu.
- Funnel Plot: The new “funnel plot” feature will allow you to view grouping criteria and participant counts based on your cohort inclusion and exclusion criteria. The funnel plot iteratively calculates grouping results in descending order from baseline numbers allowing you to visualize the extent the criteria affect the final cohort population. You can access this feature by selecting the funnel plot icon located in the top right-hand corner of search to render the graph.
- Cloud Environment Tab: You can now view the workspace name associated with cloud environments and persistent disks from the “Cloud Environments (BETA)” tab of the Researcher Workbench. To learn more about storage options, please see this support article.
Bug Fixes
- Researcher Workbench login - when attempting to login to the Researcher Workbench, some users were prompted to login in twice. This has been resolved.
- Dataproc environment creation issue - there was an issue with initializing Dataproc environments in the Researcher Workbench. This has been resolved.
- User account creation - there was an issue with new users being able to create a Researcher Workbench account. This has been resolved.
- Data User Code of Conduct - The All of Us Data User Code of Conduct (DUCC) has been updated to include several new terms, which are effective November 3, 2023. Please see this support article to view the DUCC.
- Identity Verification - We have added a new tutorial article on how to verify your identity through Login.gov or ID.me. All researchers who want to use the All of Us Researcher Workbench need to complete identity verification as part of the data access requirement. You can learn more here.
- “How to Make Docker Images Compatible with the Workbench” - this support article explains how to push an existing docker image to the Google Container Registry (GCR) so it can be used on the Researcher Workbench.
As always, please contact support@researchallofus.org if you have any questions or concerns with our most recent changes. Thank you for your support of the All of Us Research Program and Researcher Workbench!
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