December 2023 Product Release Notes

  • Updated

The following release notes cover the most recent changes over the last two months. If you have any questions, email the All of Us Researcher Workbench support team at

All of Us Researcher Workbench features and updates

  • Cohort Builder - We added new features to the Cohort Builder.
    • Has EHR Data - We added a search option for you to create a cohort of participants that have electronic health record (EHR) data. You can exclusively select participants with EHR data rather than all participants. The feature is located in search in the add criteria dropdown menu of the Cohort Builder.
      To access the has EHR data feature, search in the add criteria dropdown menu of the Cohort Builder. Under the domains header, there will be an option for has EHR data.
    • Funnel plot -The funnel plot feature allows you to view grouping criteria and participant counts based on your cohort inclusion and exclusion criteria. The funnel plot calculates grouping results in descending order from baseline numbers allowing you to visualize the extent the criteria affect the final cohort population. You can access this feature by selecting the funnel plot icon located in the top right-hand corner of search to render the graph.To access the funnel plot, you will select the funnel plot icon to the left of the create cohor button that is located in the top right hand corner of the Cohort Builder screen.
    • Cloud environment tab - You can view the workspace name associated with your cloud environments and persistent disks from the “Cloud Environments (BETA)” tab of the Researcher Workbench. Read more about storage options.

Bug fixes

  • When logging in to the Researcher Workbench, some researchers were prompted to log in twice. This issue has been resolved.
  • Some researchers experienced an issue with initializing Dataproc environments in the Researcher Workbench. This issue has been resolved.
  • New researchers experienced issues with creating a new Researcher Workbench account. This issue has been resolved.

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