June 2023 Product Release Notes

  • Updated

The following release notes cover the most recent changes over the last two months. If you have any questions, email the All of Us Researcher Workbench support team at support@researchallofus.org.

All of Us Researcher Workbench features and updates

  • Support for concept sets during cohort creation - We added updates to the Cohort Builder that allow you to save a concept set and use it in cohorts without selecting each item individually repeatedly. An additional option allows you to quickly add by concept ID. If you know the codes of the variables needed, you can directly enter the id or multiple ids. This can be within one domain or across domains.
  • We added “last modified by” information to the workspace homepage and to the analysis tab, which allows you to see who last modified different resources such as notebooks.
  • We introduced a Cloud Environments page for researchers using the Researcher Workbench to view their active environments and persistent disks. We improved this page to make it easier to find and delete persistent disks across your environments in one place.  Learn more about managing your persistent disk.
    After you click on your name on the left hand panel of the Researcher Workbench, you will have options for profile, data access requirements, cloud environments, and sign out. Cloud environments is the third option. When you click on Cloud Environments, a new screen will populate titled your cloud environments.The Your Cloud Environments screen includes all your active environments including their billing project, type, tool, details, status, location, created date, last accessed date, and their cost per hour. On the screen, you will also have a list of your persistent disks with their billing project, details, size in gigabytes, location, created date, last accessed date, and cost per month.

Bug fixes

  • We identified an issue where some researchers had multiple persistent disks attached to the same runtime. This issue has been resolved.

Support resources

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