All of Us Survey Changes Over Time

  • Updated

Baseline Surveys

Participants must complete the Basics survey to complete other program activities. In addition to the Basics, two other surveys are offered to participants at enrollment. 

Survey Description Curated Research Data Repository Release Date
Basics  The survey was first released to participants.  10/17/2019
Lifestyle The survey was first released to participants. 
Overall Health  The survey was first released to participants. 
Basics (update)

The item, "What kind of health insurance or health care coverage do you have? Include those that pay for only one type of service (nursing home care, accidents, or dental care)....(Concept ID:  1585389) " was replaced with "Are you currently covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? Select all that apply from one group (Concept ID:  43528428)." 

The response option, “Don't Know” was removed from the item, "Where are you currently living? (Concept ID: 1585402 )" 

Basics (update) Branching logic was added for the item, "Are you currently covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? Select all that apply from one group  (Concept ID:  43528428)" so that it prompts when a participant responds, “Yes” to the item, “Are you covered by health insurance or some other kind of health care plan? (Concept ID:  1332874)" Prior to this date, all participants were presented with this item regardless of their initial response. 
Basics (update) The response option, "Insurance through a current or former employer or union (by you or another family member) (Concept ID: 43529120) " was added to the question, "Are you currently covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? Select all that apply from one group. (Concept ID:  43528428)" 
Basics (update) A six item disability measure, sourced from the United States Census American Community Survey, was introduced into the survey. 11/10/2020
Overall Health (update)  Individual “Date of transplant” response items were added so that they prompt when a transplant type is selected for the item, “If yes, please check all that apply. (Concept ID: 1585806)"  Suppressed. 
Basics (update) The response options for the item “Are any of these a closer description of how you think of yourself?” (Concept ID: 1585357) were changed from single-select to multi-select 07/01/2022

Follow Up Surveys 

Participants must complete the baseline surveys before completing follow up surveys. 

Survey Description Curated Research Data Repository Release Date
Personal Medical History  The survey was first released to participants.  10/17/2019
Family Health History The survey was first released to participants. 
Health Care Access and Utilization The survey was first released to participants.
Family Health History (update) The survey items were re-organized so that rather than specifying a conditions list for each family member, participants instead specify known conditions and selects which family members were diagnosed. 06/22/2022
Social Determinants of Health The survey was first released to participants. 
Personal Medical History (update)

The survey was retired. See the retired survey:

English Version

Spanish Version

Family Health History (update)

The survey was retired. See the retired survey:

English Version

Spanish Version

Personal and Family Health History The survey was first released to participants, replacing the previously separate Personal Medical History and Family Health History surveys. 

COVID-19 Related Surveys

Participants must complete the Basics survey before completing COVID-19 related surveys. 

Survey Description Curated Research Data Repository Release Date
May 2020 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE) The first installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: social distancing experiences; COVID-19 related symptoms, testing, treatment, and impact; general well-being; basic information; social support; anxiety; mood; stress; physical activity; loneliness; substance use; resilience; and discrimination. 11/10/20
June 2020 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE)

The second installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: social distancing experience; COVID-19 Related symptoms, testing, treatment, and impact; general well-being; basic information; social support; anxiety; stress; physical activity; loneliness; substance use; resilience; discrimination. 

Minor wording changes and question updates were made to the following domains compared to the previous version: COVID-19 Related Impact, COVID-19 Related Sym  in COVID-19 Related Symptoms, COVID-19 Related Impact, and Physical Activity. 

July 2020 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE)

The third installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: social distancing experiences; COVID-19 related symptoms, testing, treatment, and impact; general well-being; basic information; social support; anxiety; mood; stress; physical activity; loneliness; substance use; resilience; and discrimination.

Updates were made to the following domains compared to the previous versions: COVID-19 Related Testing and COVID-19 Related Impact. 

November 2020 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE)

The fourth installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: social distancing experiences; COVID-19 related symptoms and treatment; COVID-19 related testing; vaccine perceptions; COVID-19 related impact; anxiety and mood; and health basics. 

The following domains were removed from the survey: General Well-Being, Social Support, Stress, Physical Activity, Loneliness, Substance Use, Resilience, and Discrimination. 

Updates were made to the following domains compared to previous versions: Social Distancing Experiences, COVID-19 Related Symptoms and Treatment, COVID-19 Related Testing, Vaccine Perceptions, COVID-19 Related Impact, Basic Information, Anxiety, and Mood. 

December 2020 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE) The fifth installment of the series was released to participants. This version matched the previous version exactly. 
February 2021 COVID-19 Participant Experience (COPE)

The sixth and final installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included:  social distancing experiences; COVID-19 related symptoms and treatment; COVID-19 related testing; vaccine perceptions; COVID-19 related impact; anxiety and mood; health basics.

Summer 2021 Minute Survey on COVID-19 Vaccines The first installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: COVID-19 vaccines. 01/13/23
Fall 2021 Minute Survey on COVID-19 Vaccines  The second installment of the series was released to participants. This version matched the previous version exactly. 
Winter 2021 Minute Survey on COVID-19 Vaccines

The third installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: COVID-19 vaccines.

Changes were made to the following domains compared to the previous version: added questions about additional doses of the vaccine

New Year 2022 The fourth installment of the series was released to participants. Domains captured included: COVID-19 vaccines. 04/20/2023

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