February 2023 Release Notes

  • Updated

We have some exciting updates to share from the past two months! Please see the list below for information about these updates:


Cohort Builder and Dataset Builder Updates:

  • Search functions - Now there are more options for text searches in the Cohort Builder. For example, the search functionality for searching on survey criteria, concept sets, and Universal Search has been enhanced to take advantage of the wildcard character (*).  This will allow a user to search for specific results that begin or end with a certain search term.  For example, searching *statin will return all results that end with “statin”.
  • Multiple Cohort Review - Users are now able to create multiple reviews per cohort and will also be alerted if a review is outdated (for example, if participants no longer apply to a used cohort).

Researcher Workbench Features:

  • Update to Terra Terms of Service
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Storage Browsing - We now allow you to use GCP tools to read metadata about the CDR bucket and your workspace buckets, instead of being limited to just using gsutil commands. Navigate to the “About” tab of your workspace and click the link under 'File Management' to browse files in the GCP Cloud Console. To learn more about how to access the workspace bucket, please visit this support article.
  • Jupyter Image Updates - New tools added: SAIGE, QIMEE2, PanGenie, minimap2, WhatsHap, RepeatMasker, igv-jupyter
  • Support for SV data and Long read data analysis

General Updates:

  • New User Satisfaction Survey - We have created a quick survey to gather feedback on your satisfaction with the All of Us Researcher Workbench. The survey will be available two weeks after you finish account creation. You can access the survey via a notification in the Researcher Workbench or directly through email. Your feedback here is incredibly valuable to our team to determine how we can improve the Researcher Workbench experience!
  • Data Browser - We have added a new filter option in the Data Browser for Genomic Variants. Now you can browse variants by allele count, allele frequency, and allele number.

Bug Fixes: 

  • Some newly created workspaces were temporarily unable to be edited; now fixed
  • Demographic survey failed if input text was greater than a certain limit, UI check added to prevent this
  • Optimized free tier BigQuery usage to prevent unnecessary spend


As always, please contact support@researchallofus.org if you have any questions or concerns with our most recent changes. Thank you for your support of the All of Us Research Program and Researcher Workbench!

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